
Heart River Watershed Restoration

The river that flows into the mighty Peace at Peace River has been called various names over time – Rivière le Coeur, Heart Brook, Hart River, Harmon River and finally, Heart River. It was known to early voyageurs, to Alexander Mackenzie and David Thompson. Native peoples traversed across the watershed for millennia.

Wapiti Watershed Source Water Protection Plan

This project is just beginning and complements the Wapiti River Water Management Plan, which focusses and water quantity. The Source Water Protection Plan will be in a sense a Watershed Management Plan that focusses on maintaining the quality of the water resource.

Wapiti Watershed Bank Stabilization

The last few years have had some of the highest discharges on record in parts of the Wapiti Watershed. Flows like this can cause serious erosion issues and point out management practices that could be improved. Interestingly enough, the very things (components and processes) that make these systems resilient to flood also function in to increase drought resilience. This project is about supporting resilient watersheds, so that the watersheds can support us.

Streambank Stabilization and Extension

As pretty as this little waterall might be, you don't want this headcut chewing through your field. Water issues are always there - sometimes too much, sometimes too little. Often the attempt control or manage water leads to unintended and unwanted consequences years later. This project is focusing on restoring a stream so that erosion is controlled.

Smoky Headwaters Initiative

Restoring and enhancing coldwater fish habitat in the Smoky Headwaters by mitigating sediment delivery and enhancing riparian shading.

Redwillow Watershed Restoration Project

The Redwillow Watershed Restoration Plan is a roadmap to help all of the organizations active in the watershed to collaborate and streamline their efforts. We will be improving efficiency and the effective use of resources by following this roadmap that everyone came together to develop.

Reducing invasive species in the Peace-Athabasca Delta

Little Red River Cree Nation has warned of the growing number of invasive plants growing in the riparian zones of the wetlands, creeks and rivers of their homelands in the Peace-Athabasca Delta and areas to the west. This project will focus on identifying areas of infestation and then initiating control to reduce the infestation.

Lower Peace Freshwater Contaminant Reduction

This a project to promote improved land management so that producers can operate successfully and find support in implementing practices that will reduce the contaminant loading to the lower Peace River.

Grimshaw Gravels Aquifer Source Water Protection Plan

Now that the first iteration of the Integrated Watershed Management Plan is complete, remember this is a "living document" and will be regularly updated, we are working on implementation. Ongoing projects and education efforts will focus on addressing the recommendations of the plan.

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