Alberta Government
Alberta Energy Regulator
This is the report of multi-stakeholder panel struck by the Alberta Energy Regulator to look at reducing the use of high quality non-saline water in unconventional Oil and Gas Development.
- Surface water allocation map
State of the Watershed Resources:
Alberta Geological Survey
Here is the home. There are a variety of resources for the Peace and Slave Watershed on different parts of the website.
Alberta Lake Management Society
ALMS is focussed on lakes throughout Alberta and does stewardship, monitoring and reporting. Check out their webpage for information on lakes that interest you.
Alberta Tomorrow
What is this? Alberta Tomorrow is a modelling application and that means that it does not make predictions about the future but rather presents one possible future scenario out of many. Why is this useful? It allows us to have an idea of how our activities across the land impact our province all together. How is this connected to the MPWA and watershed things? The MPWA is interested the watershed – all land surrounding the water – and not just the water, so this helps think about what changes could be made on the land to make sure we have the water that we want. This is for educational purposes only and MPWA does not endorse any particular views of Alberta tomorrow.
Alberta Water Portal
A not-for-profit society that provides general water and watershed information relevant to Alberta.
Basin Information Resources:
Other Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils:
- Athabasca Watershed Council
- Battle River Watershed Alliance
- Beaver River Watershed Alliance
- Bow River Basin Council
- Lesser Slave Watershed Council
- Milk River Watershed Council Canada
- North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance
- Oldman Watershed Council
- Red Deer River Watershed Alliance
- South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
Trout Unlimited
Water North Coalition
Water North Coalition: Aquatera
The WNC is a group of northern community leaders and water and wastewater partners working together to advance sustainable water systems in our northern communities through advocacy; education and awareness; and recruitment, training and retention.
Watershed Stewardship Groups
The Nature Conservancy has released a report about source water protection planning. This concept involves using Watershed Management, changing what we do on the landscape, to improve water quality and quantity. Learn more here.
Wetland Centre
Ducks Unlimited Canada’s National Boreal Program is collaborating with a lot of partners in the Wetland Centre at Evergreen Park, in the County of Grande Prairie, Alberta. Learn more here.