Wapiti River Water Management Plan
Wapiti River Water Management Plan
The Wapiti River Water Management (WRWMP) Stakeholder Group consists of municipalities within the region as well as provincial and federal government departments, industry, user groups and the Might Peace Watershed Alliance. The group is tasked with providing recommendations to the Provincial Government as outlined in their approved Terms of Reference.
The WRWMP will make recommendations will consider impacts caused from both point and non-point source inputs.ons on water quantity and quality that seek an acceptable balance among environmental, social and economic interests. Water quantity recommendations will consider surface water use, including ground water that has a direct hydrological connection to the surface. Water quality recommendations will consider impacts caused from both point and non-point source inputs.

Plan & Terms of Reference:
Technical Studies:
- Bear Creek Water Quality Study
- Wapiti River and Tributary Flows
- Wapiti River Basin Land Cover Change Assessment
- Wapiti River Dissolved Oxygen Fluctuation Literature Review
- Wapiti River Fish Telemetry Program
- Wapiti River Geomorphology Assessment
- Wapiti River Habitat Mapping Study
- Wapiti River Watershed Climate Change Assessment